Most noble and honorable members of the Senate, my fellow Caesarians, and my most esteemed Roman citizens:
I was distraught to have received the grave news of the undeserved murder of my dear great-uncle Gaius Julius Caesar. Though I am many miles away defending the great Roman state in Illyria with my incredibly brave Roman legions, as my uncle had appointed me Magister Equitum, not only am I filled with debilitating sorrow but also immense anger. I plan to return to Rome in the near future, if I am named an heir in the will of Caesar, to take on the legacies of my great-uncle Caesar and to avenge his untimely death.
Because I was in such great favor with Caesar, an honor I value highly, I ask that his will be read aloud in the Senate to clarify the rightful heir of Caesar in hopes to restore stability to the Roman state. If I am to be named the heir of Caesar, I can assure that I can bring honor to his position and I am fully capable of fulfilling his responsibilities, for I have been in the tutelage of Caesar since my younger years. And since I was designated by Julius Caesar himself as Magister Equitum and he sent me to the Parthian army in Illyria, it shows he trusted me as a leader in the future of Rome.
So if the will is read aloud, Rome can be on the path towards restored peace. I hope that the senate is able to shed light upon the identities of the conspirators against Caesar and bring justice swiftly.
Gaius Octavius
Magister Equitum designate
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