Beware the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March
Vincenzo Camuccini, Death of Caesar, 1798

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cleopatra with some IMPORTANT news...

To whom it may concern,

Having received word of the untimely and unjust death of Gaius Julius Caesar, I, Cleopatra VII, write this letter from Egypt with an incredibly heavy heart. Like many of you, I am deeply affected by the death of Caesar, for he meant so much to so many people, not only as a ruler but also as a father and patron. I was lucky enough to have gotten close to the man that changed Rome for the better. He was a generous, benevolent, and courageous man, and we will all miss him dearly.

But the time has come for the rightful heir of Caesar to take their place at the helm of this unsteady empire during these turbulent times and steer Rome back into the peace and prosperity it has known for a lifetime. Caesarion, Caesar’s only and most loved son, would have been the choice of Caesar and is the rightful heir to his legacy. For as the blood of Caesar runs throughout the body of his son Caesarion, he shall be the one to rise to power when he will come of age, legally and by the will of his father.

But if this is not convincing enough to you noble Romans, the gods have blessed my womb with another gift of the great Gaius Julius Caesar, so that his name and legacy be carried on for generations to come and so that his legacy might not be diminished. I praise the gods, whom Caesar sits among now, for this glorious child of the heavens. I will raise him as a Roman, which is the fairest and most honorable way to live life.

With all of these things having been said, the time has come for a great Roman man- one with vision, one with great skills as a politician, as an orator, as a leader- to take the children of Caesar under his wing and teach them, by example, how to lead this nation. This man I hope would be one with a great vision for a brighter and more progressive Rome.

My grain is endless, my wealth is bottomless, but my heart is one that longs for the Roman nation to recover from this devastating loss. I wish all of Rome the best of luck and I hope to hear from the senate soon as to the will of Caesar.



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