Beware the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March
Vincenzo Camuccini, Death of Caesar, 1798

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Libo On Caesar's Funeral

Most noble and honorable senators,

After listening to many of my fellow senators speak about the death of Caesar, today I would like to share my thoughts on the matter and on what to do with his body.

Many of you have made the argument that Caesar should be treated as a criminal. That he is undeserving of a funeral oration in the Forum; and as such, that the Roman state should under no circumstance pay the cost of such a funeral. You, and in some cases rightfully so, point to the regal powers that Caesar possessed as the reason why he was and should be treated as a tyrant. By this time last year, your attitudes toward Caesar began to shift. The fact that Caesar dressed as a king and, admittedly, claimed to be a descended of the Alba Kings only further increased your distaste of him. And Marc Anthony's attempt to place a golden crown on his head during the celebration of Lupercalia seemed to be one of the last straws.

Yet others recall that during that incident Caesar refused to accept the offer of the crown. More importantly, many of you recall the glory that Caesar brought to Rome. I, myself, looking only to bring peace and resolution for the Roman people, have been able to work with and negotiate with Caesar. During his conflict with Pompey he wanted me to act as a mediator between the two sides. Just as I have brought glory to Rome by commanding fleets so has Caesar through his campaigns through Gail and Britannica. And finally, I would like to mention that some time ago I have personally reconciled my differences with him.

Whether Caesar was a tyrant or a criminal is irrelevant to me at this point in time. My interests only side with those that look our for the Roman people first.
Therefore, I want to express my agreement with a previous proposal that Caesar's body should neither be thrown in the river nor given an illustrious funeral. Rather, his immediate family should be allowed to bury him in a private function.

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